Hi everyone,
just wanted to let you know that the official DT call is up on my friend
Suzy West's blog. You are not going to want to miss this opportunity for an amazing company!
sharing this per Suzy West: I'm going to make this easy for ya. Here's what we are looking for:
I am looking for 20-25 design team members (some will also be company educators) to join my 2012 team. The main product is embossing powders but there are other products such as stamps.
I'm looking for happy positive designers that can create projects of all kinds: cards, layouts, and mixed media projects.
--each designer will commit to a 12 month term.
--Each designer will commit to creating THREE projects a month: There should be at least one layout and one card. I would like to see a variety of different book projects from each designer every so often. If you were to create a book project that would equal out to three projects for the month.
--You will create a HOW TO blog post ONCE in your 12 month term. We will assign you a date.
--You must have an active blog to promote our company and willing to share at any of your social medial groups.
--You may be asked to create for our trade shows so projects would need to be shipped. (some projects may be kept for future shows)
--each designer will have their bio/picture on our website.
--each designer will receive products every quarter.
--each designer will have the opportunity to DEMOnstrate at their local scrapbook, stamp, and or craft store and receive an hourly payment($ will blow your mind!) PLUS 10% commission of ALL sales. (will explain more to those that make the team--awesome plan!!)
--teaching classes at your stores will be encouraged and we will help provide you with the products that you need!!
--Payment will be given to all projects approved for the trade shows.
--All classes and demos that you create will be advertised on our blog to help spread the word!!
How to apply:
--Send your application to psajfamily@aol.com
--Include: Name, address, phone number, and email address
--Include your personal blog and a link to where we can see your work.
--Tell us about yourself and why you want to be on this team.
--Attach three of YOUR favorite projects (Please make sure the pictures are not HUGE)
--Please include a list of all the teams you are on or have been on. (You DO NOT have to have dt experience but if you have some please include)
--Please include if you have a local scrapbook/stamp/craft store that you can demo and/or teach at OR if you are a traveling teacher.
Please note: You can not be on another company team that sells embossing powder.
The call is NOW open and will remain open until November 27th. I will announce the new design team on December 1st. Those that are picked for the team....first assignment might be CHA project!
Thanks everyone!!! Looking forward to seeing your application!
Suzy West
Marketing Coordinator, US territory
sounds like an amazing opportunity, huh? If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them for you. All applications should be sent to Suzy West at: psajfamily@aol.com
thanks and good luck!