*Update - winner of the IG Blog Hop announced:
Acelve d-sign Mar 19, 2012 06:49 PM
My name is evelyn you can find me on Instagram : geekgalz.
Evelyn, please send me an email @ myfrogprince@comcast.net so that I can mail out your prize. Thanks everyone for playing along.

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by! I assume you are here for the St. Patty's Day Instagram blog hop - glad you found us!
We are a group of INSTAGRAM buddies that were invited to do an Instagram blog hop. Thank you Jessy Christopher for organizing this!
First I have something GREEN to share with you. Here is a recent layout that I completed using Ruby Rock-it's new Nostalgia line.

Did you notice that I used Instagram photos on my layout? I just couldn't help myself.
I Love the colors in this line and their GREEN textured cardstock was just begging to be sanded down. And because I love ink and texture so much, I added some canvas paper and Mister Huey's spray ink.
and now for the GREEN giveaway.....
Here is what I am offering up:

- Smash date stamp by K&co.
- Studio Calico paper
- 2 feet. of chevron grosgrain ribbon
fun stuff right? Here are the blog hop rules for your chance to win my giveaway:
- become a follower
- leave an answer to the question - Does your family celebrate St. Patricks day?
Do you have a special tradition that you do to celebrate the holiday?
- Be sure to leave your email address or link to your blog, so that I can contact you
if you win.
- Visit the line up of my IG buddies participating in the blog hop for chances to win the fabulous prizes that they are offering up!
Here is the line up of all my instagram buddies that are giving something GREEN away on their blog.
BLOG HOP LIST: (in no particular order)
Gina Lideros IG name: ginalideros
Laura Banasiak IG name: laurabanasiak
Leah Farquharson IG name: bluebirdchicllc
Jamie Lee IG name: jyylee
Faridah Hajarmustika IG name: mustikmonkeys
Suryanti Halim IG name: isur
Katy Hedger IG name: polkadotlove
Wati Basri IG name: watibasri
Jenny Gecos IG name: mrsjennyg
Allison Waken IG name: allisonwaken
Kristine Davidson IG name: kristined
Sasha Farina IG name: sashafarina
Lindsey Hansen IG name: lindzeyhanzen
Leena Loh IG name: findingnana
Nina Burgess IG name: ladybugnina
Azura Alyssa IG name: azuraalyssa
Sophia Allison IG name: sophiaallison
Vee Jennings IG name: strawbvee
NattArida Smith IG name: tinynatt
Amy Lynne Lassiter IG name: amlynnelassiter
Helga Vergara IG name: helga_vergara
Michelle Lanning IG name: michellelanning
Juanna Sia IG name: juannahope
Daniela Dobson IG name: danieladobson
Jeanne M. Wigoena IG name: jeannew
Michelle K IG name: michellek
Vanessa Rupp-Hayden IG name: veerupp
Jessy Christopher IG name: jcchris
Blog hop starts 17 March, 7am PST and ends 20 March, 11.59pm PST. Happy Hopping and Good luck!