The Design team had an assignment this month to create a project using several different pieces of pattern paper. This project was also suppose to have a summer theme. I love summer, and to me and my family summer means - camping! We have a tradition every year as soon as the weather gets warm to pack up the kids, the dogs, our camper and go camping. We have been camping with 5 other families for the last 6 years. We have made so many lasting memories this way, that the kids will cherish forever.
So, I thought that it would be fun to create a card with a camping theme.
Here is what I made:
Campfires are hot card

I created this card using the GCD studios Great Outdoors colletion by Heather Tozzi. To create the campfire logs, I took strips of brown paper (I used the backside of S'mores paper) and rolled them. To finish I tied them with twine.
Here is a closeup of the logs:

I hope you get the chance to get out and make lots of memories with your family this summer. If your family likes to go camping (like mine) then The Great Outdoors Collection is the perfect to document it.
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